How to develop and practice scenario planning within your organisation for issues management

issues management

Issues management planning and preparation is not a reactive task—it’s a proactive necessity. As communicators, we must anticipate potential challenges and prepare our organisations to navigate them effectively. The preparation begins with observation. We must scan the horizon for potential threats, whether they stem from internal processes, external factors, or unforeseen events.  However, working in […]

Issues are like whack-a-mole, here’s your game kit.


Issues management is akin to a relentless game of whack-a-mole. Each emerging issue, be it a customer complaint gone viral or a misinterpreted executive statement, represents a potential threat that can impact a brand’s reputation, the organisation’s positioning, and erode the hard-earned trust of customers. The stakes in this game are exceedingly high; each mole […]

How to do a vulnerability assessment for issues management

issues management

Issues management is a critical aspect of any brand or organisation’s operations. It is the process of identifying, analysing, and responding to issues that have the potential to impact an entity’s reputation, financial stability, or ability to operate effectively. The scope of issues management is broad and can encompass a wide range of potential problems. […]

Putting together an issues management plan

issues management

The ability to foresee and manage issues is not just a valuable skill—it’s a necessity. New trends emerge, consumer behaviours shift, and the media landscape is constantly changing. The interaction between all these variables can give rise to issues that, if not properly managed, can negatively impact an organisation’s reputation and bottom line. Issues can […]

Understanding the 3Cs in building and protecting reputation


In our hyperconnected world, information and content can spread faster than wildfire. A single click can ignite a storm of misinformation, casting doubt and eroding trust. Think of brand reputation as a delicate glass sculpture. Misinformation—whether it’s a baseless rumor or a targeted attack—can shatter it in an instant. The consequences ripple far and wide, […]

Dealing with misinformation before it becomes a crisis


The internet has become a primary source of information for many people. This ease of access to information has revolutionised the way we learn, communicate, and make decisions. However, it has also given rise to a significant challenge for brands and communicators – the spread of misinformation. Misinformation, or false information that is spread, regardless […]

Personalisation with PR – Is it possible?


Personalisation in communications and PR is testing the way we communicate and engage with our audiences. The need for personalisation arises from the desire to create unique, tailored experiences that resonate with diverse audiences. It’s about understanding their individual needs, preferences, and behaviours of your audience, and then crafting messages that speak directly to these […]

Handling stakeholders post campaign

In our world of communications, PR and marketing, the role of stakeholders cannot be overstated. These are the individuals and groups who have a vested interest in the success of our campaigns. They could be anyone from senior management and investors to customers and the media. However, managing these stakeholders requires finesse, and, at times, […]

Brand differentiation through niche content

Countless brands and businesses are constantly seeking out attention, creating a challenge of differentiation.  Picture a crowded conference or function room, each brand clamoring to be heard above the din—a symphony of logos, slogans, and promises. Despite their best efforts, many remain unable to break through the noise and reach their intended audience. Why is […]

Inbound vs. outbound communications campaigns


When it comes to communications and public relations (PR), there are two approaches – inbound and outbound – that can impact the strategy and trajectory of your campaign. Inbound campaigns are all about attracting your audience to come to you. They are designed to draw visitors and potential customers in, rather than outwardly pushing a […]