Putting together an issues management plan

issues management

The ability to foresee and manage issues is not just a valuable skill—it’s a necessity. New trends emerge, consumer behaviours shift, and the media landscape is constantly changing. The interaction between all these variables can give rise to issues that, if not properly managed, can negatively impact an organisation’s reputation and bottom line. Issues can […]

Handling stakeholders post campaign

In our world of communications, PR and marketing, the role of stakeholders cannot be overstated. These are the individuals and groups who have a vested interest in the success of our campaigns. They could be anyone from senior management and investors to customers and the media. However, managing these stakeholders requires finesse, and, at times, […]

From Pitch to Press: Rediscovering Media Relations Fundamentals

media relations

One of the biggest challenges communicators struggle with – in media relations – is the consistent and recurring ability to capture a journalist/writer’s attention. Journalists face an overwhelming amount of communication daily. Breaking through the noise and making a lasting impression on journalists has become increasingly difficult. Between physically rushing for press conferences and interviews, […]